GST Registration and GST Filling Service

GST Registration and GST Filling service

GST, also known as “Goods and Service Tax”, under this, businessmen, traders, and transaction payers have to pay some amount of their business as tax to the government.

Peskonline provides GST payment services for all businesses and organizations that are covered under GST registration norms.

With the help of a Peskonline, not only can you do GST registration, but you can also fill returns by filling in GST.

Even if you are not covered for any tax, you still must file a zero GST Filling return.

When did the government implement the GST Registration Act?

The GST Act was passed on 29th March 2017 and was implemented by the 101st constitutional amendment by the Government of India on 1st July 2017.

GST: Goods and various services supplied are taxed separately depending on their value.

For example, 0%, 5%, 12%, 18%, and 28% are not charged by the government for the items which are received directly from nature.

Who needs to register for GST?

1. Under GST registration, businessmen who have a turnover of more than 20 lakhs in a financial year on services or products, and business turnover is up to 10 lakhs in the states falling under the special category.

2. States falling under the special category are Himachal Pradesh, Sikkim, Meghalaya, Manipur, Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Assam, etc.

3. Apart from this, such areas where the borders of the neighbouring country are situated, hilly areas or under less population and basic structure are backward.

4. Such new businesses as well have the potential to start a business with a turnover of 20 lakhs. It is essential for them also to do GST registration.

Why is GST registration beneficial?

GST registration is a Goods and Services Identification Number (GST) of businessmen, also known as GST Number, no organization or business can operate without GST registration under the Indian GST Act.

What are the benefits of doing GST registration through the Peskonline portal?

Any return can be easily done through the Peskonline portal or website.

Whether it is UGST or CGST, you can do all types of customs registration only through one portal.

Apart from this, it also provides the facility of all the e-tax services of Peskonline which provides a source of income to the customers associated with Peskonline, not only this, all kinds of banking and financial facilities are also provided.

How does GST filling through the Peskonline Portal?

First, open the portal of Peskonline or you, and log in by entering your mobile number and password.

Search by selecting your financial year return filing periods.

After filling in all the necessary information in the GST return form, the form must be filed.

You can make online GST payments very easily on the Peskonline portal.

When you file the GST return file, you will get a message on your registered mobile number after filling successfully.

ARN (acknowledge reference number) will also be displayed in front of you.

What are the advantages of filling out a GST Return with a Peskonline?

You can complete your customers GST return through the Peskonline portal in just a few minutes.

Peskonline gives you an opportunity to earn a very good commission on using the facility of e-tax services.


1. In how many ways GST registration is done in India?

SGST (state goods and service tax), CGST (central goods and service tax), IGST (Integrated goods and service tax), and UGST (union territory goods and service tax).

2. How is GST calculated through GST registration?

GST is determined in terms of inbound and outbound goods and services which must be determined separately for each month.

3. Is it mandatory to file GST?

It is very important to file a GST return at all, even if your transaction is negligible, you may have to pay a penalty for not filing GST.

4. How many GST filling returns are required to be filed by a businessman within a year?

Usually, businessmen or associations must file 37 GST returns per year.